Busser > Busproducenter
Bustypeoversigt: |
UNVI, Ourense (ES) |
Nationalitet: Koncern: - Firmaet grundlagt: 1995 Produktion 19??: - Internetadresse: www.unvi.es Firmaets postadresse: UNVI, Poligono Industrial de San Ciprián de Viñas, E-32901 Ourense, Spanien, tlf. +34 988 980 600 |
Founded in 1995, UNVI S.A. is a company which manufactures body-work for passenger vehicles and special vehicles such as buses, coach-es, midibuses, microbuses, PMR (adapted for disabled people), clinics, library buses and mobile offices). In order to achieve this aim, we have been guided by the spirit of maximum customer satisfaction, relying on a human team with wide knowledge of the sector and a production process based on the concept of total quality.
The flexibility of our production line, the immediate answer to any problem, the official approval of all our products according to European guidelines and their avant-garde designs constitute the basis for our work strategy.