Busser > Busproducenter
Bustypeoversigt: |
Thornycroft Ltd., Basingstoke (GB) |
Nationalitet: Koncern: - Firmaet grundlagt: 1896 Produktion 19??: - Internetadresse: www. Firmaets postadresse: Transport Equipment Thornycroft Ltd. Basinstoke, England |
Thornycroft started out with steam vans and lorries. John Isaac Thornycroft, the naval engineer, built his first steam lorry in 1896. Their first petrol vehicle was in 1902 and the company completed the move into internal combustion engine power in 1907. Thereafter the vehicle building firm and the marine side (later to become Vosper Thornycroft) were separate companies. From 1931, Thornycroft used names for their vehicle range - descriptive and colourful ones. In 1948, the company name was changed to Transport Equipment (Thornycroft) Ltd to prevent confusion with the shipbuilding Thornycroft company. They were taken over by AEC, by then Associated Commercial Vehicles Ltd and production was limited to the Nubians, Big Bens and Antars. ACV was then taken over by Leyland who already had a specialist vehicle unit in Scammell, another manufacturer of large haulage vehicles. Thornycroft's Basingstoke factory was closed in 1969 and specialist vehicles transferred to Scammell at Watford. (kilde: Wikipedia)