Busser > Busproducenter
Bustypeoversigt: |
Fabryka Autobusow "Solbus", Solec Kujawski (Polen) |
Nationalitet: Koncern: - Firmaet grundlagt: 2001 Produktion 19??: - Internetadresse: www.solbus.com.pl Firmaets postadresse: Fabryka Autobusów "Solbus", ul. Powstanców Slaskich 7, PL-86-050 Solec Kujawski, Polen, tlf. 0048 52 387 95 30 |
The SOLBUS sp. z.o.o. bus production plant currently is the fastest growing bus manufacturer in Poland. Our venture was founded in 2001 in Solec Kujawski. Within only five years, we have managed to reach the second rank in the sale of new buses in Poland and the ability to offer a product range of six different models.The rapid development of our company and the enormous speed with which we have been able to extend our product range prove the high level of motivation and determination of our staff members. Laid down in our motto are such firm values as pragmatism, as well as efficiency of solutions applied, innovativeness, and a high quality of our products.