Busser > Busproducenter
Bustypeoversigt: |
FAS 11 Oktomvri - Sanos, Skopje, (MK) |
Nationalitet: Koncern: - Firmaet grundlagt: 1948 Produktion 1998: 111 busser Internetadresse: www.fas-sanos.com.mk/ Firmaets postadresse: FAS 11 Oktomvri - Skopje - A.D. Skopje, PO Box 583, Ul. 516 br10, MK-1000 Skopje, Macedonia |
FAS 11 Oktomvri - Sanos - The main activity of our factory is production of busses and over-hauls of the same. This buss is intended for mass transport of passengers at passenger traffic. As such it has to satisfy certain standards and provisions, international and separate, regulated by certain countries. The manufacturing circle, on the average lasts from 90 to 120 days. The lifetime, depending of laws and regulations in certain countries, is 7 to 10 years that is up to 20 years too. During usage, the product has a need of replacement of specific parts in certain periods of time or kilometers passes, that is a need of spare parts.