Busser > Busproducenter
Bustypeoversigt: |
Prevost, Sainte-Claire, Quebec (Canada) |
Nationalitet: Koncern: Volvo Buses Firmaet grundlagt: 1924 Produktion 19??: - Internetadresse: www.prevostcar.com Firmaets postadresse: Prevost, 35 Gagnon Blvd., Sainte-Claire, Quebec GOR 2VO, Canada, tlf. +1 418 883 33 91 |
The company now owns NovaBus and in turn is owned by Volvo Buses. The company was first founded in 1924 by Eugene Prevost who was originally a cabinet maker but was asked to build a body for a brand new REO truck chassis. It all started from there and between 1937-1939 its first bus manufacturing plant was built. Initially the vehicles were built around a wooden frame but in 1945 this was changed so that the bodies were all made of metal. The company has progressed to a stage where it now has 1627 employees (April 2005) and has branches in the US and Canada. The latest models saw the XLII thoroughly revised, now with a longer wheelbase to provide more storage and a smoother ride. This along with many other changes marked the beginning of the new renamed X3-45. The flagship H3-45 received some further enhancements in 2006 with GPS and a destination sign made an option. As well as this, the new Delta sound system was also developed to provide improved sound throughout the cabin. (kilde: Wikipedia)