Busser > Busproducenter
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Omninova Technologies, Uddevalla (S) |
Nationalitet: Koncern: TWR Sweden Firmaet grundlagt: - Produktion 19??: - Internetadresse: www. Firmaets postadresse: Omninova Tecnologies, Uddevalla, Sverige |
The Volvo Bus Corporation Acquires Omninova Technologies STOCKHOLM, Sweden - BUSINESS WIRE - Feb. 19, 2001 The Volvo Bus Corporation and TWR Sweden have successfully jointly developed a new cutting-edge welding and processing technique for manufacturing the stainless steel frame for the Volvo Bus Corporation's recently launched TX platform. When the new bus goes into large-scale production, the Volvo Bus Corporation will acquire TWR's share of the jointly owned company Omninova Technologies AB in Uddevalla, Sweden. The frame in the new B12 chassis is a combination of a number of framework modules, which are adapted for different engines, wheel axles, etc. The material used is stainless steel, and the frame is built by advanced welding robots. This results in a frame with great torsional rigidity and high precision and which is well suited for further chassis assembly and body-building. The new production method uses robots to a high degree, leading to very high quality results. Omninova Technologies was jointly founded by the Volvo Bus Corporation and TWR Sweden to develop the production of bus frames. The Volvo Bus Corporation and TWR Sweden's ownership is divided 35/65% respectively. Omninova is located in Uddevalla, Sweden and currently has 60 employees. The new bus will now go into large-scale production and the development work will subside. As the work enters a new phase, the parties have determined that the most suitable course of action is for the Volvo Bus Corporation to assume control of the jointly owned company. A letter of intent has been signed today, Monday, February 19, 2001. TWR Sweden will remain an important partner in future continuing development activities. (kilde: Volvo Buss AB)