Busser > Busproducenter
Bustypeoversigt: |
San Marino - NEOBUS, Caxias do Sul (BR) |
Nationalitet: Koncern: - Firmaet grundlagt: 1991 Produktion 19??: - Internetadresse: www.neobus.com.br Firmaets postadresse: San marino Ônibus e Implementos Ltda., 110, Irmão Gildo Schiavo - Street - Ana Rech, BR-95058-510 Caxias do Sul – RS - Brasilien, tlf. 0055 54 3026 2200 |
San Marino - NEOBUS - began its activities in 1991, Caxias do Sul – RS,
manufacturing components for the automobilist industry, agricultural, transport
and furniture. In 1999 it started to develop vehicles for the passengers
transport, launching the models Mega and Mega Evolution. The team of
collaborators was compound then by 60 people.