Busser > Busproducenter
Bustypeoversigt: |
OAO Njeftekamskij Avtozavod, Njeftekamsk (Rusland) |
Nationalitet: Koncern: - Firmaet grundlagt: - Produktion 19??: - Internetadresse: www.nefaz.ru Firmaets postadresse: Njeftjekamskij Avtozavod - NjefAZ - Neftekamsk Bus Factory, Yanaulskaya Str. 3, RU-452950 Njeftjekamsk, Riespublika Baszkortosan, Rusland , tlf. 007 - 34783 - 2 32 16 |
The active development of industry, construction, development of road network, mining, all this provokes high and stable demand for production of NefAZ. However, this also holds some negative issues for company’s business. Primary risk is related to the fact that company does not hold required production capacities, hence, those holes in demand now attract foreign competitors, that now try to conquer them. However, NefAZ is an active partner to western companies, purchasing new and high output equipment, may still ensure some competitive benefits, hence, ensuring client base and stable flow of orders. (kilde: Wikipedia)