Busser > Busproducenter
Bustypeoversigt: |
Minskij Avtomobilnyj Zavod, Minsk (BEL) |
Nationalitet: Koncern: BelavtoMAZ Firmaet grundlagt: 1947 Produktion 2000: 11.904 lastvogne og 380 busser Internetadresse: www.maz.com.by Firmaets postadresse: Minskij Avtomobilnyj Zavod - Belavto MAZ, ul. Socialisticzeskaja 3, 220831 Minsk, Belarus, tlf. +375 17 217 93 89 |
For 60 years the trade mark "??Z" is widely known on the territory of CIS and abroad. MAZ trucks have well recommended themselves in operation in the Far North regions, deserts of Kara Kum and Sahara, in tropics of Africa, Southeast Asia and America, Middle East and mountains of Latin America. Our motor vehicles were delivered in more than 70 countries of the world. Last years we managed to return in the majority of these markets. We are planning further expansion of MAZ motor vehicles delivery in future. The plant is an independent subject of economic management, has the right of legal person, enters as a parent enterprise into the structure of production Association "BelavtoMAZ" (the structure includes RUE "Mo?Z", Mogilev; RUE "B??Z", Baranovichi; RUE "??Z??", Osipovichi; RUE "?Z?SH", Zhodino; RUE "Litmash", Minsk; PRUE "DEMZ", Dzerzhinsk; RUE "StojMAZtrest", Minsk. Since 1995 the bus branch "???Z" produces city, suburban and long-distance tourist buses under the license of German firm "Neoplan". "???Z" has reached production of 8 bus models and more than 50 modifications on their base, among which the special buses intended for operation under specific conditions: in northern areas - with a special system of heating and a heat insulation of interior, with double floor, reduced glass space, and in southern areas - with strengthened system of fanning and increased shifting of quarter window and so forth. Today the development of buses of the second generation is carried out: in the first quarter of 2004 an experimental small-sized bus MAZ-256 for 28 seats is made with body from fiberglass, and for the first time in practice of bus manufacture the bus plastic parts are painted on the whole. In 2001 ??Z mastered manufacture of trolleybuses. As one of the main advantages of MAZ trolleybuses the experts allocate that as for the basic number of units, sets and body arrangement the trolleybus is unified with MAZ bus that provides convenience and universality of service. (kilde: Wikipedia)