Busser > Busproducenter
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APTS, Helmond (NL) |
Nationalitet: Koncern: VDL Group Firmaet grundlagt: - Produktion 2003: - Internetadresse: www.apts-phileas.com Firmaets postadresse: APTS bv, Steenovenweg 1, NL-5708 HN Helmond, Nederlandene, tlf. +31 (0)492-56 20 13 |
APTS, Helmond. Phileas is a new concept for comfortable passenger transport on high frequency dedicated bus lanes. Running on a free bus lane which is fitted with magnetic markers for electronic lane assistance and precision docking, Phileas offers all the advantages of rail transport. The Phileas has a hybrid electric propulsion, a large transport capacity and precision docking, which makes it possible for passengers to quickly enter and exit the vehicle, thus limiting stop times and keeping the average speed as high as possible. In comparison with tram or metro systems the investment and maintenance costs for the infrastructure are low, because overhead wires and rails are not needed. Phileas combines the advantages of tram and metro systems with the flexibility and low costs of a bus system.